
恐怖  美国  2018  2024-03-02:16:14:07



When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires. Is he losing his mind or has something terrible burrowed deep within him Incubating. Waiting until the climate is right. Marcus must fight to save his crumbling sanity and protect Lily, his beloved niece from a monster that lies in wait.,这是4399电影网免费观看(www.022autofans.com)为您带来的一部来自恐怖的恐怖电影,影片被点击了917次,由著名导演Owen,Long亲自指导完成,4399电影网免费观看(www.022autofans.com)电影在线观看,影评6.0,大家有什么好的影视作品欢迎留言投稿!,语言英语,4399电影网免费观看为您提供《恶种》在线播放,她的演员是:特雷弗·隆恩,安德里亚·陈,Garr,Long,凯文·布雷斯纳汉,克里斯·麦加瑞,Michelle,Liu,Coughlin,Adrian,Enscoe,香农·哈特曼,于2018上映播放。.


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