
恐怖  其它  1962  2024-03-02:16:14:10



In 1661 Mexico, the Baron Vitelius of Astara is sentenced to be burned alive by the Holy Inquisition of Mexico for witchcraft, necromancy, and other crimes. As he dies, the Baron swears vengeance against the descendants of the Inquisitors. 300 years later, a comet that was passing overhead on the night of the Baron’s execution returns to earth, bringing with it the Baron in the form of a horrible, brain-eating monster that terrorizes the Inquisitor’s descendants.,这是4399电影网免费观看(www.022autofans.com)为您带来的一部来自恐怖的恐怖电影,影片被点击了139次,由著名导演Chano,Urueta亲自指导完成,4399电影网免费观看(www.022autofans.com)电影在线观看,影评8.0,大家有什么好的影视作品欢迎留言投稿!,语言其它,4399电影网免费观看为您提供《恐怖男爵》在线播放,她的演员是:Abel,Salazar,Ariadna,Welter,David,Silva,于1962上映播放。.


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